Located in Austin, Texas, one of the top technology, music, film and literary creative centers in the country, the Moody College of Communication is the largest and most comprehensive communication college in the country. Each of the college’s five departments features nationally recognized researchers and alumni, including 19 Pulitzer Prize winners.
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Communication Studies
- Journalism and Media
- Radio-Television-Film
DMC 5.312 - Moody College Dean's Office

Physical Address
The University of Texas At Austin
Moody College of Communication
DMC Building
300 W. Dean Keeton St
Austin, TX 78712
Building Hours
Room Assistance
Technology Services: 512-471-1199 or Request Help
Facilities: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Custodial: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Emergencies: 911 or UTPD 512-471-4441