30 seat large 2000 sqft film & TV production studio with switched lighting grid, catwalks, acoustical isolation, switchable HVAC, connections for 3-camera HD TV production system connections, teaching console, HD projection & cinema-grade surround sound.
Capacity: 30 student seats + 1 presenter seat, unconstrained wheelchair seating
Room Style: Studio, Flat Floor
CMB 4.126 - Film & TV Lab 4D
Department of Radio-Television-Film Film & TV Lab 4D CMB 4.126 is located in the Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building B (CMB). The 56'x37' production studio features exceptional acoustical isolation with switchable HVAC service, large 12' high x 8' wide doors for prop & set load-in, 400 amps of power for lighting serving 66 switched circuits on 6 ceiling grids with catwalks, and an equipment cage outfitted with a standard grip package.
A large 18' D x 9' W x 12' H freight elevator allows load-in from a street-level alley which is large enough to provide pull-through access for large tractor-trailer rigs.
For multi-camera TV production, the room has connections for up to 3 HD cameras, 8 microphones & line-level stereo audio with video, teleprompter, studio-announce, & IFB returns. TV studio cameras are not typically installed in this room but can be moved from adjacent studios and connected easily.
In addition to film & video production capacity, the room also features a cinema-grade AV system which can be used for classroom teaching, film screenings, film audio mixes, and color-grading sessions.
The height adjustable rolling teaching console allows users to sit or stand and has AV system touchpanel controller, document camera, keyboard & mouse for the classroom computer (macOS only), and AV connections for laptops (HDMI & Wireless Presentation).
The room features HD projection on a 16'x9' screem and 7.1 cinema-grade surround sound audio.
An audio output at the rack allows for connection of a portable listening assistance system which may be checked out from CMA 3.104. A braille touchpad is available for checkout at CMA 3.104 for those users who prefer a tactile AV control system interface.
CMB 4.126 - Film & TV Lab 4D
- Capacity: 30 student seats + 1 presenter seat, unconstrained wheelchair seating
- Primary Venue: Studio
- Floor Style: Flat Floor
- Seating Style: Rolling Chairs
- Table Style: Chairs with Tablet Arms
- Lighting: 3+ zones on/off
- Whiteboard: Yes
- Student Power Profile: Minimal student seat power
- A/V Presentation Console: Teaching Console
- Display: 1080p HD Projector
- Audio: Cinema-Grade 7.1 Surround Sound
- WiFi: Yes
- Laptop Connection: HMDI & Wireless Presentation
- Presenter Computer: Yes (macOS only)
- User/Attendee PC Count and Type: No User PCs
- Document Camera: Tabletop
- Media Player (Blu-Ray/DVD/CD): Yes
- Voice Reinforcement: 1 wireless mic
- Audio Recording System: Yes
- Press Feed Audio Out: No
- Special Event Media Support: Studio TV Cameras
- Analog Aux In: No
- HDMI Aux In: Yes
- HD-SDI Aux In: Yes
- Webcam: Installed
- Video Conferencing Available: Yes
- Tabletop Speaker Phone: No
- Wall Phone: Yes
- Vision Impaired Touchpanel Available: Yes
- Hearing Impaired Assistance: Installed
Scheduling Department
Department of Radio Television Film
Teacher's Computer Mac Software
- Adobe Suite
- Avid Media Composer
- Blackmagic Fusion Compositor
- Maya
- MS Office
- Plural Eyes
- ProTools
- Resolve
- Zoom
- Visual Studio
- VLC Media Player
- Web Browsers
CMB 4.126 - Film & TV Lab 4D

CMB 4.126 - Film & TV Lab 4D

Physical Address
The University of Texas At Austin
Moody College of Communication
CMB Building
2504 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712
Building Hours
Room Assistance
Technology Services: 512-471-1199 or Request Help
Facilities: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Custodial: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Emergencies: 911 or UTPD 512-471-4441
CMB 4.126 - Film & TV Lab 4D