Large private HD video editing suite with HD projection & surround speakers.
Capacity: 3 student seats, unconstrained wheelchair seating
Room Style: Edit Suite, Flat Floor
CMB 4.112A - RTF Edit Suite A
RTF Editing Suite A CMB 4.112A is located in the in the Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building B (CMB). The room is a large-sized 20'x10' private video editing suite with a primary editing station with 2 chairs as well as seating for 1 additional observer.
The primary editing station features dual-screen PC monitors, audio monitor controller, HD projection, and calibrated surround speakers. This station allows for uncompressed high-definition editing using industry standard software tools.
CMB 4.112A - RTF Edit Suite A
- Capacity: 3 student seats, unconstrained wheelchair seating
- Primary Venue: Edit Suite
- Floor Style: Flat Floor
- Seating Style: Rolling Chairs
- Table Style: Computer Lab Workstations
- Lighting: 2 zones with dimmer
- Whiteboard: No
- Student Power Profile: 100% of student seats have power
- A/V Presentation Console: no console
- Display: 1080p HD Projector
- Audio: 5.1 Surround Sound
- WiFi: Yes
- Laptop Connection: None
- Presenter PC: no presenter computer
- User/Attendee PC Count and Type: 1 Mac & 2 Windows Workstations
- Document Camera: None
- Media Player (Blu-Ray/DVD/CD): No
- Voice Reinforcement: No Microphone
- Audio Recording System: No
- Press Feed Audio Out: No
- Special Event Media Support: None
- Analog Aux In: No
- HDMI Aux In: No
- HD-SDI Aux In: No
- Webcam: None
- Video Conferencing Available: No
- Tabletop Speaker Phone: No
- Wall Phone: No
- Vision Impaired Touchpanel Available: No
- Hearing Impaired Assistance: None
Scheduling Department
Department of Radio Television Film
Teacher's Computer Mac Software
Blackmagic Fusion Compositor
Visual Studio
VLC Media Player
Student's Computer Mac Software
Adobe Suite
Avid Media Composer
Blackmagic Fusion Compositor
MS Office
Resolve Studio
Visual Studio
VLC Media Player
Web Browsers
CMB 4.112A - RTF Edit Suite A

CMB 4.112A - RTF Edit Suite A

Physical Address
The University of Texas At Austin
Moody College of Communication
CMB Building
2504 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712
Building Hours
Room Assistance
Technology Services: 512-471-1199 or Request Help
Facilities: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Custodial: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Emergencies: 911 or UTPD 512-471-4441
CMB 4.112A - RTF Edit Suite A