Larger meeting room with fixed credenza for catering and 15 moveable tables and 30 chairs. 14 additional chairs are stored in 2.112AA. If additional chairs are moved to the room, users are responsible for returning the additional chairs to storage and storing properly.
Capacity: 44 attendee seats +1 presenter seat, unconstrained wheelchair seating
Room Style: Presentation Room, Flat Floor
CMB 2.112A Moody Meeting Room
All rooms must be reserved through AppSpace. The room scheduler panel outside each room is only for viewing reservations and not to schedule.
These rooms may not be scheduled for classes, department/school meetings, recurring meetings that last more than 2 hours, student organization meetings, used as a student study room or as a lunchroom.
The lobby 2.112 must be scheduled in conjunction with an event and not as a stand-alone reservation and may not be reserved when classes or exams are in session on the same floor. Cocktail tables (6) and folding tables (2) are in the storage room (CMB 2.112AA), which is accessed by the same key owned by authorized administrators that opens the other rooms. Room users are responsible for moving tables and cleaning and placing them back in storage after the event.
The on-site coordinator is responsible for the condition and proper use of the room. Please clean up and return the furniture to its original set-up before leaving. Food and beverages may be served on the condition that the room is cleaned by the meeting or event organizers and all food-related trash removed after the event and in time for evening custodial pickup.
Room users must lock the room(s) after each use.
For room issues or questions concerning these guidelines, contact the Dean’s Office at comm roomres@austin.utexas.edu. For technical assistance, contact comm-help@austin.utexas.edu or call 512-471-1199.
CMB 2.112A Moody Meeting Room
- Capacity: 44 attendee seats +1 presenter seat, unconstrained wheelchair seating
- Primary Venue: Presentation Room
- Floor Style: Flat Floor
- Seating Style: Movable Chairs
- Table Style: Movable/Removable Tables
- Lighting: 2 zones dimmable
- Whiteboard: Yes
- Student Power Profile: Student Power at all Tables
- A/V Presentation Console: Teaching Console
- Display: 1080p HD Projector
- Audio: Stereo
- WiFi: Yes
- Laptop Connection: HMDI & Wireless Presentation
- Presenter Computer: Yes (macOS only)
- User/Attendee PC Count and Type: No User PCs
- Document Camera: Tabletop
- Media Player (Blu-Ray/DVD/CD): Yes
- Voice Reinforcement: 4 wireless mics, 4 wired mic inputs
- Audio Recording System: Yes
- Press Feed Audio Out: Yes
- Special Event Media Support: PTZ Cameras
- Analog Aux In: No
- HDMI Aux In: Yes
- HD-SDI Aux In: No
- Webcam: Installed
- Video Conferencing Available: Yes
- Tabletop Speaker Phone: No
- Wall Phone: No
- Vision Impaired Touchpanel Available: Yes
- Hearing Impaired Assistance: Installed
CMB 2.112A Moody Meeting Room

Physical Address
The University of Texas At Austin
Moody College of Communication
CMB Building
2504 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712
Building Hours
Room Assistance
Technology Services: 512-471-1199 or Request Help
Facilities: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Custodial: 512-471-1199 or Request Help; after hours: 512-471-2020
Emergencies: 911 or UTPD 512-471-4441