cscm iacs


Academic communities on sports, communication and culture

The last ten years has seen a veritable explosion of scholarly interest in the role sports plays in communicating and mediating cultural dynamics in the society at larger, least of all around issues of race, gender, money, drugs and violence. Today's scholars are building upon a generation of academic research, investigation and writing to make sense of our circumstances. The resources below offer points of entry to these scholarly communities.

Communication and Sport


International Association for Communication and Sport

The International Association for Communication and Sport is a membership-based organization that will be holding its 11th Summit on Communication and Sport at Indiana University on April 26-29, 2018.


National Communication Association

The National Communication Association advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. The Communication and Sport Division of NCA welcomes all scholarly, pedagogical, and service-related endeavors pertaining to connections between communication practices and their relationship to sport and all it encompasses.


Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

The Sports Communication Interest Group was established in 2010. SPORTS is designed to support AEJMC members who are scholars and teachers of sports-related courses, including those in the areas of journalism, broadcasting, advertising/marketing and sports information/public relations with a balanced agenda that focuses on teaching, scholarship and issues of professional freedom and responsibility

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International Communication Association

ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA's Sport Communication Interest Group studies how communication processes influence sport as well as how sport influences communication processes. Work from all methodologies and epistemological views are welcomed.

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Broadcast Education Association

The Broadcast Education Association is the premiere international academic media organization, driving insights, excellence in media production and career advancement for educators, students and professionals. The purpose of BEA’s Sports Division, established in April 2008, is the improvement of teaching, the fostering of research in sports broadcasting and electronic media and the networking of faculty and professionals interested in sports broadcasting and electronic media. To this end, the Sports Division provides a forum for the exchange of teaching techniques and materials and the presentation of juried and non-juried scholarly research and creative activity.

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American Studies Association

The American Studies Association's Sports Studies Caucus creates a legible place in the academy for scholars interested in critically considering the roles sports play in American culture. Possessing a diversity in critical methodologies that is both inclusive and illuminating, the members of the Sports Studies Caucus are dedicated to a consideration of sport that relates to issues of broader relevance: enriching and deepening connections between work of caucus members and the work of its not-so-sports-inclined colleagues.



Communication & Sport

Communication & Sport (C&S) is a cutting-edge, peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport. C&S publishes research and critical analysis from diverse disciplinary and theoretical perspectives to advance understanding of communication phenomena in the varied contexts through which sport touches individuals, society, and culture.