CHER Grant Program

The Center for Health Communication launched the Communication for Health, Empathy, and Resilience (CHER) grant program in Fall 2017 with the goal to promote collaboration between Moody College of Communication and Dell Medical School faculty in their evidence-based health communication scholarship, education, and community involvement endeavors.

Following a competitive review process, grants will be awarded to teams of faculty and students to conduct pilot projects investigating communication’s key role in promoting wellness, creating a culture of empathy among healthcare providers, and enabling people to resist and recover from illness or injury. 


  • Mid-September 2022: Initial cycle announcement circulated
  • November 4, 2022: Deadline for Letters of Interest (see template)
  • December 2, 2022: Applicants notified, finalists invited to prepare full proposal and presentation
  • Early January 2023: Finalist presentations
  • January 31, 2023: Awards announced
  • February 1, 2022: Current cycle funding period starts (projects must have IRB approval before funds released)
  • Early fall 2023: Current cycle “mid-term” progress reports due to CHER grant program administrators; financial progress report provided by CHC to grantees
  • Early spring 2024: Current cycle “wrap up” progress reports due to CHER grant program administrators; financial progress report provided by CHC to grantees
  • May 31, 2024: Current cycle funding period ends, and final reports due

2022-2023 CHER Grantees

CHER awarded approximately $20,000 for the sixth cycle of grant funding.

CHER Grantee #1: How media drive misinformation and distrust: Exploring how news gathering and news consumption patterns of members of the Black and LGBTQ+ communities of Generation Z affect beliefs in misinformation and conspiracy theories as well as levels of knowledge, hesitancy, and intentions to receive COVID-19 vaccinations and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) treatments for HIV.

CHER Grantee #2: Developing a digital health intervention for kidney transplant recipients' weight management

2021-2022 CHER Grantees

CHER awarded approximately $20,000 for the fifth cycle of grant funding.

CHER Grantee #1: Caring for our healers: A mixed-methods analysis of a novel structured debriefing intervention to support teams and honor patients after in-hospital cardiac arrests

CHER Grantee #2: Speaking Stoma: Developing a health communication guide for people with ostomies

  • Principal Investigator: Joga Ivatury, M.D., MHA, Department of Surgery & Perioperative Care
  • Co-Investigator: Rene Dailey, Ph.D., Department of Communication Studies
  • Co-Investigator: Lynsey Romo, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
  • Co-Investigator: Stephanie Hughes, M.S. Communication, Owner of

2020-2021 CHER Grantees

CHER awarded approximately $20,000 for the fourth cycle of grant funding.

CHER Grantee #1: Developing a Health Communication Intervention to Meet the Psychosocial Needs of Young Women Living with Breast Cancer

  • Principal Investigator: Kate Pounders, MBA, Ph.D., Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
  • Co-Investigator: Tara Kaufmann, M.D., Departments of Oncology and Internal Medicine
  • Co-Investigator: Elizabeth Kvale, M.D., MSPH, LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes, Departments of Internal Medicine, Population Health, and Oncology
  • Co-Investigator: Daniela De Luca, Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations

CHER Grantee #2: COVID-19: A Social Marketing Approach to Investigating Prevention and Self-Reporting Messages Targeting Underserved BIPOC Populations in Central Texas

  • Principal Investigator: Sean Upshaw, Ph.D., Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
  • Co-Investigator: Billy Table, Ph.D., Center for Health Communication and Department of Population Health

2019-2020 CHER Grantees

CHER awarded approximately $20,000 for the third cycle of grant funding.

CHER Grantee #1: Assessing Oncology Patient Communication Needs and Preferences to Improve Informed Treatment Decision-Making

CHER Grantee #2: Promoting Communication in the Intensive Care Unit Between Nonspeaking Patients and Healthcare Providers

2018-2019 CHER Grantees

CHER awarded approximately $20,000 for the second cycle of grant funding.

CHER Grantee #1: Developing Public Health Messaging to Reduce Asthma Disparities

CHER Grantee #2: Optimizing Messages for Personalized Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

2017 – 2018 CHER Grantees
CHER awarded approximately $20,000 in the inaugural 2017-18 grant cycle for three projects.

CHER Grantee #1: Lead Poisoning Prevention in Texas Communities

CHER Grantee #2: Studying the Effects of Empathetic Healthcare

  • Principal Investigator: David Ring, M.D., Ph.D., Departments of Surgery and Perioperative Care and Psychiatry
  • Co-Investigator: Joost Kortlever, M.D., Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care
  • Co-Investigator: Laura Brown, Ph.D., Center for Health Communication

CHER Grantee #3: Minority Women’s Enrollment in Clinical Trials

  • Principal Investigator: J Stuart Ferriss, M.D., Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Co-Investigator: Anita Vangelisti, Ph.D., Department of Communication Studies
  • Assistant: Suzanne Burdick, Department of Communication Studies
  • Assistant: Stephanie Nutt, M.A., Department of Women's Health