Center for Advancing Teaching Excellence: Teaching Resources

Faculty Support

Teaching Resources

Moody College is widely respected for its connected and caring teachers who promote student well-being and maturity. The tenets of effective teaching remain the same whether online or face-to-face. Communication is key to establishing a culture of engagement, collaboration and community.

Teaching Resources from CATE

This Just In!

Ally Quick Reference Guides

Access CATE's new Quick Reference Guides for using Ally in Canvas

New Canvas Minimum Presence Policy

Review the Provost Office's new policy for Minimum Canvas Presence, effective Fall 2024

Current Teaching Conversations

Artificial Intelligence is all the rage in 2024, and as new AI technologies become more prevalent in society, they bring new complications and opportunities to the classroom! Learn more about UT's use of AI for teaching innovation here.

AI Text Generation Tools


Learn more about designing written learning experiences with AI text generation tools in mind at this faculty session with the Moody Writing Support Program.

Rage Against the Machine


Learn more about designing writing-based assignments, activities, and assessments in the age of AI at this writing workshop led by Dr. Maddie Holland.

If you're not finding everything you need here, please schedule a CATE consultation or email CATE instructional designer Rachelle Furness ( for more personal and direct assistance. You can also check out The Center for Teaching and Learning and/or UT Austin's new Faculty Central hub for information on teaching, as well as information on important topics for faculty members, such as the facilities on campus or employee resources.