Graduation Application


Graduation Application

Spring 2025 Graduation Application

To receive a diploma, you must submit a graduation application during the semester you complete all degree requirements. Degree certification occurs three times a year: December, May, and August. Commencement ceremonies are held annually in May

Students who have already completed their degree in Fall 2024, or will complete their degree in Summer 2025 should NOT submit a graduation application. Please find more information on how to participate in the Moody College Graduation Ceremony on the Graduation Ceremony webpage.

The official graduation date for Spring 2025 is May 10, 2025 (the official date for the University-wide Commencement Ceremony).

Individuals pursuing a masters or doctorate degree in Moody College should only apply to graduate with the Graduate College.

Instructions for Applying to Graduate

Steps to Apply for Your Diploma:

  1. Check Your Degree Audit: Make sure all your degree requirements are either completed or in progress.
    • Important Note: If you’re finishing degree requirements at another institution, you will be required to provide proof of enrollment within the graduation application. For information on what kind of documentation is accepted, please see Concurrent Enrollment Documentation.
  2. Submit a Graduation Application
  3. Wait for Review: Allow at least two weeks for your application to be reviewed.
  4. RSVP for the Graduation Ceremony: After being approved to participate. Please see Graduation Ceremony for more information on the event. 

Note: UEX self-paced courses don’t count as in-residence courses. If you’re only taking a UEX course, you need to complete the in absentia application.

Steps to Receive Your Diploma as an In Absentia Degree Candidate:

  1. Verify Degree Requirements: Confirm that all your degree requirements are either completed or currently in progress by running a degree audit.
  2. Clear Outstanding Holds: Resolve any holds on your account.
  3. Submit In Absentia Request: Complete the in absentia registration form and submit it along with proof of enrollment in your final degree requirements.
    • Important Note: If you’re completing your final degree requirements at another institution, you must provide proof of enrollment for those courses if they haven’t been added to your UT Austin record. For information on what kind of documentation is accepted, please review the Concurrent Enrollment Documentation section.
  4. Wait for Review: Allow at least two weeks for your application to be reviewed.
  5. RSVP for the Graduation Ceremony - only after being approved to participate. Please see Graduation Ceremony for more information on the event. 

Note: UEX self-paced courses don’t count as in-residence courses.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your degree audit or degree requirements, please connect with a Moody College academic advisor.

Important Dates and Deadlines

To be considered a Fall 2024 graduate, you must adhere to the following deadlines:

  1. Graduation application open: January 30
  2. RSVP for the Graduation Ceremony opens: February  18
  3. Final Exams for UEX must be taken by: April 28
  4. Graduation application closes: March 25 (priority deadline for ensured access to RSVP for the graduation ceremony)
  5. RSVP for the Graduation Ceremony closes: April 14
  6. Transcripts from External Institutions are due: May 8
  7. Credit-by-Exam must be petitioned for no later than: May 8

Learn more about diploma dates through Texas One Stop.

Additional Graduation Information

Already applied? Check your status.

  1. Degrees will be certified after the semester ends and can be verified here.
  2. Diplomas will be mailed to the permanent address on file two to three months after degree certification; please confirm your address is correct here.
  3. Due to different semester ending dates between UT Austin and other Texas schools, degrees for students who are concurrently enrolled may be delayed by a month. Students unable to meet the transcript deadline because of the different ending dates are encouraged to submit the transcript as soon as it is available.

Students can review and edit their diploma name through the last class day. Please find more information through Texas One Stop - Degrees and Diplomas on how to edit your name. It is recommended that you change your name after you complete the graduation application. Changes in the system will not reflect in the system but will reflect through the University Registrar. 

University Honors

To be eligible to graduate with University honors, an undergraduate must have completed at least sixty semester hours at the University of Texas at Austin. Graduation with University honors is based on the average of all grades earned in courses taken in residence at the University, whether the courses were passed, failed, or repeated. Courses taken pass/fail are counted in the sixty-hour minimum, but only letter grades (including Fs in pass/fail courses) are used to determine the grade point average.

The grade point averages established for May graduates are applied to the following August and December classes to determine honors, high honors, and highest honors.

Honors Rank: top 20%
High Honors Rank: top 10%
Highest Honors Rank: top 4%


Honors Rank: 3.9052
High Honors Rank: 3.9600
Highest Honors Rank: 3.9896

Please note honors and degrees announced at spring commencement ceremonies and presented in corresponding programs are projections based on the previous year's minimums and students' GPAs after the fall semester. Actual honors and credentials earned are determined during degree certification which occurs after commencement weekend. 

University Honors are separate from the Honors Day designation. Please review the Honors Day website for further information. 

Tuition Rebate Deadlines

Tuition rebate forms must be submitted in the semester your degree is certified. Forms will not be accepted after the listed deadline for that semester. 

  • Summer 2024 graduates - August 19, 2024

  • Fall 2024 graduates - December 21, 2024

  • Spring 2025 graduates - May 10, 2025

  • Summer 2025 graduates - August 18, 2025

Processing of tuition rebate forms will not occur until after the official graduation date of the reflective semester and could take up to three months to process. 


  1. The student must not have enrolled at any institution of higher education before the Fall 1997 semester.
  2. At the time the student earns a first undergraduate degree, the student must have attempted no more than three semester hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for the degree. Hours attempted include:
    1. All courses the student has undertaken, such as transfer credit**, credit earned by examination***, study abroad courses****, courses the student dropped or from which the student withdrew after the date the official enrollment count was taken,
    2. Optional internship and cooperative education courses,
    3. Courses the student failed,
    4. Courses the student repeated.
    5. If the student has earned credit-by-exam for more than nine hours of coursework, the hours in excess of nine are also counted as hours attempted.
  3. The student must have been a Texas resident and must have been eligible to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  4. For students who enroll for the first time in the fall 2005 or later, a student must graduate within four calendar years for a four-year degree.


** Transfer work that was taken during high school (dual credit) shall not be counted.

*** The first nine (9) hours earned by examination (that is, credit earned on the basis of AP courses, CLEP or credit granted for high SAT or ACT scores) shall not be counted.

**** The first nine (9) hours earned through study abroad shall not be counted (UTLA and UTNY are excluded are not considered study abroad).

How to Submit Your Form

Download the tuition rebate application, complete it, sign it (signature may be typed if submitting by email), and either drop it off at the Student Advising Office (DMC 2.600), or email it using your official utexas email address to no later than the deadline associated with the semester all degree requirements are completed. 


If you received tuition waivers or exemptions and did not pay tuition out-of-pocket, you will be ineligible for the tuition rebate. The Academic Advising Office will not know your tuition status. If you have questions regarding your tuition rebate eligibility related to tuition waivers or exemptions, you should contact the Tuition Billing Department/Student Accounts Receivable Office at (512) 475-7771.

Concurrent Enrollment Documentation is required for graduation applicants enrolled at an external institution or completing a Credit-by-Exam in their final semester. Documentation may also be requested for students concurrently enrolled and applying to participate in the annual graduation ceremony. 

Submit documentation as one of the following: 1) a screenshot from Canvas/Blackboard/other learning system; 2) an unofficial transcript; or 3) a grade report. Ensure the documentation includes your name, course number (DEPT ####), semester, institution name, and final grade (if applicable). Save and title the documents with your UT EID.

Upload the documentation during the application process. If you cannot upload it at that time, email it to

Information that does not abide by the above outline may be denied.