Center for Health Communication

We're Hiring, Join Our Team!,

We're Hiring: Sr. Program Coordinator

The CHC is hiring a Sr. Program Coordinator to provide day-to-day leadership, management, and implementation for three grant-funded, TX-based projects, including Father's Playbook (an app to promote men's involvement in prenatal health), Project CONNECT (an initiative to promote colorectal cancer screening), and a wastewater monitoring project to aid in disease tracking.

We're Hiring, Join Our Team!,

We're Hiring: Graphic Designer

The CHC is looking for a graphic designer to develop visual communication pieces as part of several grant-funded, statewide projects related to mental health promotion, substance use disorder prevention, public health disease tracking, and cancer screening and prevention.

Headshot of the Center for Health Communication's Administrative Assistant Jen Graham, a 40-50 year-old white woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing glasses and a gray blazer smiling at the camera.

Administrative Assistant joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Jennifer Graham, the CHC's Administrative Assistant!

Graphic with text reading "March 26, 2024 @ 11:00 CT, McGovern Health Communication Lecture Series" and a headshot of feature speaker Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, a white woman with long dark hair in a white blazer smiling at the camera.

Join the CHC for McGovern Lecture Series Featuring Katelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., MPH

Join the CHC on March 26, 2024, for the final session of the McGovern Lecture in Health Communication series featuring Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, CEO and Author of Your Local Epidemiologist.

A bright blue background. In the top left corner is the Health Communication Training Series logo in white. Underneath the logo is capitalized white text reading "Health Communication with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Community." Below is smaller white text reading "featuring Dr. Chris Moreland." Below that in white text is On the right side of the graphic is a large headshot of Dr. Chris Moreland, a white man with short hair, glasses, and facial hair in a suit and tie.

New HCTS Course Available

The CHC has launched a new HCTS course focused on health communication with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Taught by Dell Medical School's Chris Moreland, M.D., MPH, the course will give you tools, strategies, and knowledge to effectively communicate with Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients.

Burnt orange and white block background. A vertical bright orange block on the left with the white outline of a graduation cap in the center. On the right is the text Health Communications Scholars Program.

Get insights on writing effective grant submissions

The annual Health Communication Scholars Program grant-writing workshop is Friday, October 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

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