Center for Advancing Teaching Excellence: PBL Showcase: Korey Pereira

Korey Pereira smiling with 2 PBL students

Korey Pereira's 

Sound Design and Mixing

(RTF 366S, Fall 2024)

Why PBL?

[Describe your course and learning objectives. Say why you were interested in trying PBL, how PBL was useful for the course. Ideas: Statement on how this semester was different/better from previous iterations of the class, how PBL helped you design a new course, a personal anecdote of hesitations, strengths, weaknesses, witnessing student success, why you would recommend PBL, etc.] 

Korey Pereira

Korey Pereira, Area Head for Audio
Assistant Professor of Practice,

​This project helped me appreciate all the little sounds. Big sounds are fun and cool, but the little sounds do the heavy lifting. If they aren’t there, nothing works.

Fall 2024 Student

The Launch

Korey Pereira

Problem Statement

There is often a split between classroom assignments and the situations you as students will encounter out in the real world​​.

PBL student in Korey Pereira's creating basketball sound effects for film

Driving Questions

-How can we actively seek out authentic experiences to enhance our learning?​​
-How do we stay motivated and connected to the material?​

Students Watching Film

Launch Event

[What were the knows and need-to-knows for this course?]

I really enjoyed being a foley artist and being in the studio recording sounds. Although we had some technical difficulties we were able to troubleshoot them whether on our own or with the help of technical support. I also got better at setting up the computer for foley recording sessions and have been able to show other people tips that I’ve learned.

Fall 2024 Student

Active Learning

PBL Student Working in Studio

Sustained Inquiry

[How were students afforded opportunities throughout the semester to build an in-depth understanding of the course concepts by generating questions, finding resources, and developing answers?]

Tech Demo

Feedback Loops

[What were your benchmarks? How did you communicate the semester-long PBL process to students?]

Students engaging in authentic learning

Student Choice and Voice

[How were students given latitude to drive their own learning by making choices about the products they created leveraging personal knowledge and strengths?]

​I had a ton of fun editing this project and learning Pro Tools! I am very happy to have picked an engaging short film that is meant to be entertaining.

Fall 2024 Student

The Product

PBL Students


[What did the students create/perform as a summative learning product? How was this product reflective of authentic work in the field? How did the product align with the course learning outcomes?]

Korey Pereira conducting PBL temperature check in class

Critique and Revision

Week 2: Project Launch, Choose Film
Week 3: Project Exemplar & Survey
Week 5: Milestone 1, Dialogue Editing
Week 8: Milestone 2, Sound Design
Week 9: Present Progress in Small Groups for Feedback
Week 11: Milestone 3, Foley Lab
Week 15: Milestone 4, Mixing
Week 16: Final Project Presentations

PBL Students Working in Studio

Product Rubric

[How did you assess the final product?]

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)


Final Presentations

PBL Student Presenting Final Project

Final Presentations

[How did you organize the final presentations? Who comprised the live audience?]

Korey Pereira

Presentation Rubric

[How did you assess the final presentations?]

Korey Pereira presenting with PBL students

Final Reflections

[How were students coached to reflect on their learning and document growth?]

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)
