Moody Faculty Spotlight: Shiv Ganesh
Shiv Ganesh is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and chair of the Global Engagement Committee in Moody College. He researches collective action in global and digital contexts. His fieldwork includes innovative student opportunities related to authentic, international communication studies practice. He received the 2022 President’s Award for Global Learning for his project, “Cotton Threads: Fabricating Ethical Production and Consumption in the Garment Industry.”
Shiv Ganesh

The faculty team members sought an international partnership to provide students with the opportunity to consider ethical production in the fashion industry. The partnership involved three sites in Texas, Sweden, and India. Students followed the supply chain from the marketer, Nudie Jeans in Sweden, to the supplier in India. Students considered how the company enacted transparency in addressing social concerns of ecology, sustainability, and social justice.
How does the incorporation of international experiences support learning in your courses?
Through course assignments, visiting sites in Sweden and India, and researching solutions in Texas, students built an in-depth understanding of interrelated business communication processes. As a result, students were able to create proposals for similar ventures in Texas that reflected their emerging expertise as informed communicators.
What real-world skills did your students develop from participation in global learning?
They are presenting virtually at an international conference in Sweden to pitch their proposals for ethical production of [jeans] in Texas. Their next step will be to design a podcast for sustainability in the fashion industry for the Central Texas area.
What are some of the barriers students face in accessing global learning?
Currently, there is only 6-9% participation in global learning in Moody College. Considering the benefits, the Global Engagement Committee seeks to increase the number of students experiencing international educational contexts, especially for graduate students.
What can Moody College educators do to reduce barriers in accessing global learning?
One of the most effective ways to provide global learning in courses is to design virtual projects. By leveraging digital platforms (such as WhatsApp), students can connect internationally for free.