Five Years of ‘Livin’ Moody’
When something takes a name, it comes to life. It gains personality.
In November 2013, the college was officially named the Moody College of Communication following an historic gift from the Moody Foundation, which created the largest endowment for the study of communication at any public university in the nation.
While infusing dollars into priority investments and sense into strategy, the Moody name truly transformed every aspect of the college – it changed the culture.
The Moodys of Galveston are among the most recognized Texas families. Through hard work and commitment to family, the Moodys established a prosperous entrepreneurial and philanthropic legacy and have come to represent the essence of Texas and the notion that learning and innovation can spark civic and educational transformation.
Bearing a name that is influential in the state of Texas and around the country, Moody College now commands a level of stature and eminence that allows the confident pursuit of diverse, talented students and faculty.

In the five years since the naming, the impact of the gift is both cumulative and comprehensive.
“The large endowments created by this historic gift allowed us the opportunity and resources to pursue initiatives we had wanted to do for years, but lacked the leverage,” said Moody College Dean Jay Bernhardt. “From increasing graduate student stipends, to supporting innovation through centers and institutes, to developing our new four-year undergraduate honors program, the Moody Foundation gift significantly expanded our reach and impact as one of the top communication colleges in the world.”
Students are primary beneficiaries with funds also allocated to support Texas Student Media, student government associations and organizations, as well as allocations for student conferences and competitions.
Additionally, 31 doctoral students currently receive financial support through a Moody Doctoral Fellowship Program.
“The Moody name gives us recognition and respect, and that helps our brand to be more memorable and recognizable, which helps us attract the brightest, most talented students to our college,” Bernhardt said.
The University of Texas officially named Moody College in a public ceremony on Nov. 7, 2013. Five years later, thanks to ongoing support and generosity, the impact of the Moody gift is still being realized.
To honor its significance, Moody College is hosting a celebration of “five years of livin’ Moody” on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 11:30 a.m. in the lobby of the Belo Media Center.