Center for Advancing Teaching Excellence: PBL Showcase: Ashwin Rajadesingan

Dr. Rajadesingan Smiling and Talking with Attendee at PBL Showcase

Ashwin Rajadesingan's 

Social Media Analysis

(CMS 367P, Fall 2024)

Why PBL?

[Describe your course and learning objectives. Say why you were interested in trying PBL, how PBL was useful for the course. Ideas: Statement on how this semester was different/better from previous iterations of the class, how PBL helped you design a new course, a personal anecdote of hesitations, strengths, weaknesses, witnessing student success, why you would recommend PBL, etc.] 

Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies Ashwin Rajadesingan

Ashwin Rajadesingan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever). In particular, it would be great to get quotes from students reflecting on how PBL was different/better from other, more standard college course experiences. Was it enjoyable? Was it authentic? Do they feel more prepared for the job market? Did they learn more/better with this method? Did they feel like they were in the driver’s seat, in charge of their own learning/project? Like they were engaging with current, real-world problems with multiple solutions?


The Launch

Dr. Rajadesingan Presenting at PBL Showcase

Problem Statement

How can content creators leverage data and AI skill sets to contribute to compelling social media campaigns?

Data for Social Media Analysis

Driving Questions

-How can we integrate data-driven practices to support real-world applications for emerging communication professionals?​
-How can we effectively communicate insights from data to stakeholders and audiences?

Dr. Rajadesingan Speaking to Class

Learning Outcomes

-Build a data-driven mindset to solving problems creatively.​
-Apply appropriate methods to draw reliable insights from social media data.​
-Design and implement a data-intensive project using Python programming language.

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)


Active Learning

PBL Students

Sustained Inquiry

[How were students afforded opportunities throughout the semester to build an in-depth understanding of the course concepts by generating questions, finding resources, and developing answers?]

PBL Students

Student Choice and Voice

The final project provided a space for students to independently explore issues that they are passionate about using the tools they’ve learned in class.

PBL Students

Feedback Loops

[What were your benchmarks? How did you communicate the semester-long PBL process to students?]

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)


The Product

PBL Students


[What did the students create/perform as a summative learning product? How was this product reflective of authentic work in the field? How did the product align with the course learning outcomes?]

Quantitative Outcomes of PBL

Critique and Revision

Week 8: Final Project Guidelines
Week 9: Formalize team contract and pitch topic
Week 11-12: Perform data collection and exploratory analysis
Week 13: Perform targeted analysis and interpretation
Week 14: Final report and presentation

Dr. Rajadesingan Speaking with PBL Showcase Attendees

Product Rubric

[How did you assess the final product?]

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)


Final Presentations

PBL Students Presenting

Final Presentations

[How did you organize the final presentations? Who comprised the live audience?]

PBL Students Presenting

Presentation Rubric

[How did you assess the final presentations?]

PBL Students Presenting

Final Reflections

[How were students coached to reflect on their learning and document growth?]

A quote from the instructor, students, community stakeholders (whoever) can go here or to the side (wherever)
