Bachelor of Science in Advertising Degree Requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Advertising program prepares students for a wide variety of careers, from the artistic and creative side, to the business of media planning in traditional and interactive realms.
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- Advertising students may not take more than 60 hours in the Moody College of Communication
- Consent of the instructor is required for some upper-division Advertising courses
- At least 24 hours of major-specific coursework must be upper-division
Students should choose courses in the core curriculum and in the major requirements that also fulfill their major department's Flag requirements. The Flags required for all degrees from Moody College are:
- Writing: three courses required; one must be outside of the core curriculum
- Cultural Diversity in the United States: one course required
- Ethics: one course required
- Global Cultures: one course required
- Independent Inquiry: one course required
- Quantitative Reasoning: one course required
- Bring a student's total hours to 120
- Students can also fill elective hours by declaring a minor. Students may declare only one minor or certificate to supplement their Moody major(s) and must declare their minor/certificate intentions before they have completed 65% of their degree requirements.