Student solidarity in shared experience

Especially now, we teach, learn and put it all to work

Do you remember your first day at Moody College?

I remember mine. I remember the feeling of validation, like I had finally made it. 

I also remember moments of subtle, and at times not so subtle, intimidation. 

On my first day at Moody, we jumped into the basics of editing a video package. Because that is what we do at Moody. 

We teach. We learn. And we put it all to work. 

We’re still doing all that now, even if we’re not there exactly. At least not physically.

But the lessons still remain. 

Our response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, likely the defining public health crisis of our generation, is lonely lecture halls and locked labs. 

Separation is now the heart of our collaboration. 

Through the solidarity of shared experience, everyone in Moody College is learning that the community we feel on campus extends to every city and county, backyard and borough. 

Because it isn’t the space that matters. It’s the people that matter. 

So for now, Zoom conference calls will have to do. 

Eventually, we’ll be back, waving hello as we cross paths on the bridge, hurrying to our next class. 

What matters is the people we become and what we learn in the time and space in between.

Matthew Bowlin
Storytelling Team