Latino Media Arts and Studies Minor

The moody college building
Latino Media Arts and Studies Minor

Learn about the growing national and global population and force of Latina/o/xs and film, television, new media, journalism, advertising, public relations, and popular culture.


Hours of Coursework


Hours Outside of your Major

About the Minor

The Latino Media Arts and Studies minor is open to all undergraduate majors.

  • The Latino Media Arts and Studies minor requires a total of 18 hours of coursework.
  • Nine hours of coursework must come from outside of major requirements. Only 9 hours of overlap between the major and minor courses is allowed for this minor.
  • Nine hours of coursework must be taken at upper division level.
  • Nine hours of coursework must be taken in residence.
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade, unless the course is only offered on the pass/fail basis. Only courses with a grade of C- or better will be counted towards the minor.

Click on tab for the specific catalog year associated with your major. Only courses listed on your specific catalog will count towards your minor.

Students pursuing the Latino Media Arts and Studies minor under the 2024-2026 catalog are responsible for the following requirements:

Requirement 1: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 306 Introduction to World Cinema History
  • RTF 303D Media and Culture (formerly RTF 307 Media and Society)1

Requirement 2: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 323C Screening Race
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)

Requirement 3: 6 hours chosen from the following

  • ADV 334 International Advertising
  • J 328S Reporting en Español
  • J 334F Oral History as Journalism
  • J 334N Oral History in Multimedia Storytelling
  • J 341J Minorities and the Media
  • J 347F Reporting Latin America
  • J 351G Introduction to Global Media
  • J 354F Journalism and Press Freedom in Latin America
  • J 354L Mapping Latino Culture in East Austin
  • J 356R Race and Digital Media Cultures
  • RTF 322D Film History 1960 to Present
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 345  3 - History of Mexican Cinema (Topic 3 of Studies in Film History)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  9 - Latina Feminisms and Media (Topic 9 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  14 - Latino Images in Film (Topic 14 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  17 - Chicana/o Cinema (Topic 17 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  18 - Latina Filmmakers in U.S. (Topic 18 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 365  15 - Latinx Media, Arts, and Activism (Topic 15 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 366K  4 - East Austin Stories (Topic 4 of Introductory Production)

Requirement 4: 6 additional hours of lower or upper division coursework from the departments of Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies or the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

1Course number and title change effective Fall 2024. Students who complete RTF 307 Media and Society and Media prior to Fall 2024, do NOT need to take RTF 303D. This is a major required course and priority registration will be given to RTF majors.

In addition to specific course requirements, students must also fulfill the hour totals for overall, in residence, and upper division coursework as well as meet the grade minimums for each minor course.

Students pursuing the Latino Media Arts and Studies minor under the 2022-2024 catalog are responsible for the following requirements:

Requirement 1: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 306 Introduction to World Cinema History
  • RTF 303D Media and Culture (formerly RTF 307 Media and Society)1

Requirement 2: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 323C Screening Race
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)

Requirement 3: 6 hours chosen from the following

  • ADV 334 International Advertising
  • J 328S Reporting en Español
  • J 334F Oral History as Journalism
  • J 334N Oral History in Multimedia Storytelling
  • J 341J Minorities and the Media
  • J 347F Reporting Latin America
  • J 351G Introduction to Global Media
  • J 354F Journalism and Press Freedom in Latin America
  • J 354L Mapping Latino Culture in East Austin
  • J 356R Race and Digital Media Cultures
  • RTF 322D Film History 1960 to Present
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 342  7 - Global Media Systems (Topic 7 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 342S  1 - Global Hollywood (Topic 1 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 345  3 - History of Mexican Cinema (Topic 3 of Studies in Film History)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  9 - Latina Feminisms and Media (Topic 9 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  14 - Latino Images in Film (Topic 14 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  17 - Chicana/o Cinema (Topic 17 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  18 - Latina Filmmakers in U.S. (Topic 18 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 365  8 - Migration and Media (Topic 8 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 365  15 - Latinx Media, Arts, and Activism (Topic 15 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 366K  4 - East Austin Stories (Topic 4 of Introductory Production)

Requirement 4: 6 additional hours of lower or upper division coursework from the departments of Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies or the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

1Course number and title change effective Fall 2024. Students who complete RTF 307 Media and Society and Media prior to Fall 2024, do NOT need to take RTF 303D. This is a major required course and priority registration will be given to RTF majors.

In addition to specific course requirements, students must also fulfill the hour totals for overall, in residence, and upper division coursework as well as meet the grade minimums for each minor course.

Students pursuing the Latino Media Arts & Studies minor under the 2020-2022 catalog are responsible for the following requirements:

Requirement 1: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 306 Introduction to World Cinema History
  • RTF 303D Media and Culture (formerly RTF 307 Media and Society)1

Requirement 2: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 323C Screening Race
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)

Requirement 3: 6 hours chosen from the following

  • ADV 334 International Advertising
  • J 328S Reporting en Español
  • J 334F Oral History as Journalism
  • J 334N Oral History in Multimedia Storytelling
  • J 341J Minorities and the Media
  • J 347F Reporting Latin America
  • J 351G Introduction to Global Media
  • J 354F Journalism and Press Freedom in Latin America
  • J 354L Mapping Latino Culture in East Austin
  • J 356R Race and Digital Media Cultures
  • RTF 322D Film History 1960 to Present
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 342  7 - Global Media Systems (Topic 7 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 342S  1 - Global Hollywood (Topic 1 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 345  3 - History of Mexican Cinema (Topic 3 of Studies in Film History)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  9 - Latina Feminisms and Media (Topic 9 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  14 - Latino Images in Film (Topic 14 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 365  8 - Migration and Media (Topic 8 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 365  13 - Activist Media (Topic 13 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 366K  4 - East Austin Stories (Topic 4 of Introductory Production)

Requirement 4: 6 additional hours of lower or upper division coursework from the departments of Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies or the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

1Course number and title change effective Fall 2024. Students who complete RTF 307 Media and Society and Media prior to Fall 2024, do NOT need to take RTF 303D. This is a major required course and priority registration will be given to RTF majors.

In addition to specific course requirements, students must also fulfill the hour totals for overall, in residence, and upper division coursework as well as meet the grade minimums for each minor course.

Students pursuing the US Latino and Latin American Media Studies Minor under the 2018-2020 catalog are responsible for the following requirements:

Requirement 1: 3 hours chosen from the following

  • RTF 306 Introduction to World Cinema History
  • RTF 303D Media and Culture (formerly RTF 307 Media and Society)1

Requirement 2: RTF 323C Screening Race

Requirement 3: 6 hours chosen from the following

  • ADV 334 International Advertising
  • J 328S Reporting en Español
  • J 334F Oral History as Journalism
  • J 334N Oral History in Multimedia Storytelling
  • J 341J Minorities and the Media
  • J 347F Reporting Latin America
  • J 354F Journalism and Press Freedom in Latin America
  • RTF 322D Film History 1960 to Present
  • RTF 324C Introduction to Global Media
  • RTF 335  2 - Race, Class, Gender in American Television (Topic 2 of Television Analysis and Criticism)
  • RTF 342  7 - Global Media Systems (Topic 7 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 342S  1 - Global Hollywood (Topic 1 of Topics in Global Media)
  • RTF 345  3 - History of Mexican Cinema (Topic 3 of Studies in Film History)
  • RTF 359  7 - Race and Digital Media Cultures (Topic 7 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  8 - Latina/os and U.S. Media (Topic 8 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  9 - Latina Feminisms and Media (Topic 9 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  12 - Gender and Fan Culture (Topic 12 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  13 - Latin American Television (Topic 13 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 359S  14 - Latino Images in Film (Topic 14 of Studies in Media and Culture)
  • RTF 365  8 - Migration and Media (Topic 8 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 365  12 - Mapping Latino Culture in East Austin (Topic 12 of Topics in Media and Society)
  • RTF 366K  4 - East Austin Stories (Topic 4 of Introductory Production)

Requirement 4: 6 additional hours of lower or upper division coursework from the departments of Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies or the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

1Course number and title change effective Fall 2024. Students who complete RTF 307 Media and Society and Media prior to Fall 2024, do NOT need to take RTF 303D. This is a major required course and priority registration will be given to RTF majors.

In addition to specific course requirements, students must also fulfill the hour totals for overall, in residence, and upper division coursework as well as meet the grade minimums for each minor course.

The US Latino and Latin American Media Studies minor is open to all undergraduate majors following the eligible catalogs.

Eligible Catalogs: 2018-2020

The Latino Media Arts and Studies minor is open to all undergraduate majors following the eligible catalogs.

Eligible Catalogs: 2020-2022, 2022-2024 and 2024-2026

A student's major college may have additional criteria that they must meet in order to pursue a minor. Prior to applying, students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor in their own major to discuss how the minor fits into their degree plan.

Visit this page and use the following directions:

  1. Click on the link for "Request Restricted Minor"
  2. Select "COM Communication" for Field of Study
  3. Click "Continue"
  4. Select the appropriate minor title based on catalog eligibility
    1. 2016-2018 and 2018-2020 catalogs: "US LATINO and LATIN AMERICAN MEDIA STUDIES (MNCCOM03)"
    2. 2020-2022 and 2022-2024 catalogs: "LATINO MEDIA ARTS AND STUDIES (MNCCOM08)"
  5. Click "Continue"