Wendy Rodriguez
Communication & Leadership
Class of 2020
How are you using the skills that you learned at Moody in your current position?
Since graduating, I’ve practiced my communication and leadership skills through civic engagement. I’ve advocated for issues I’m passionate about, helped lead a rally, and even took part in demonstrations at the Texas Capitol. I served on a city commission, did field/campaign organizing, and volunteered with organizations like the Austin National Organization for Women @AustinNOW and @JoltTX.
I’m currently an Associate at The Bingham Group (IG @binghamgroup), a lobbying firm that represents and advises clients on government and public affairs here inAustin. My communication skills have definitely come in handy as forming interpersonal connections, effectively conveying information, innovating, and collaborating are vital to this position. My firm is heavily involved in the community and it’s been such a treat!
I’m also a creative and do photography, writing, and music on the side. I’ve found myself using concepts I learned at Moody to create content that sparks emotion and tells a story.
What advice do you have for #TEXASMoody students?
It’s okay to not have your life figured out! Treat your time as a student like a buffet, try a little bit of everything that peaks your interest until you savor experiences that spark joy within you, then explore those more deeply. I’m honestly still taking this approach to life and it’s been a rewarding journey.
It’s okay to not have your life figured out! Treat your time as a student like a buffet, try a little bit of everything that peaks your interest until you savor experiences that spark joy within you, then explore those more deeply.
Can you talk about your career path?
Studying CLD at Moody taught me how leadership and the ability to communicate with others are essential to creating change in society, work environments, and even within ourselves.
The planet is in desperate need of good, ethical, and compassionate leaders, as well as followers, who hold leaders and systems accountable.
Working in the world of policy has allowed me to both analyze and take part in collective change making.
What classes/professors helped the most?
Some of my favorite and most beneficial classes included: Interpersonal Communication with John Daily, Collective Action with Shiv Ganesh, Finding Purpose through Communication with Dr. GalitI adored my CLD professors: Dr. Meme Drumwright, Dr. Jennifer Jones Barbour...And my Moody Honors professors: Dr. Junker and Dr. Love