Sara Ryan
Class of 2022
How are you using the skills that you learned at Moody in your current role?
Moody has taught me a lot of very valuable skills that I use constantly! One that I use in a day-to-day is communication, despite it being a very obvious choice it’s crucial, agency accounts operate like a way cooler ship, if the ship had Instagram. So communicating with the team makes everything run smoother and better. I also would say some close runner ups that go hand and hand with one another are adaptability and absorbing, absorb anything and everything you can, during my time at Moody I made an effort to attend and be a part of events/projects- really anything I could. This still rings true, and it helps me better understand all the exciting things in the works and how the team operates! Also allows me the opportunity to help out wherever need be, which brings me to adapting. Adaptability is crucial in the world of advertising, therefore growing these skills at Moody has equipped me to take on challenges that may arise.
What are some favorite projects you've worked on as an art director?
Currently bouncing around with some really exciting projects! My favorite so far has been designing custom wine labels for Wendy’s and VMLY&R’s 10 year anniversary that showcased all of the amazing work the team has done. I was able to collaborate with a lot of awesome people on the team and seeing everything finalized was truly spectacular. I also make a lot of memes of our socials, including boomer memes for Facebook, and reading through positive comments/interactions of making people laugh is really fulfilling.
Were you involved in student orgs on campus?
Yes, Texas Creative
What advice do you have for #TEXASMoody students?
Go with your gut, have confidence in yourself (in the absolute least corny way possible)! The world is vast, there’s a place for everyone and their passions. Find something (broad or niche) that you enjoy doing, and see where that takes you. Make friends, join orgs, go to those office hours! The world has a weird way of working sometimes, always embrace change and step outside the comfort zone every once in a while- you never know where you might end up. Surround yourself by people you admire, both students and professors - they will make the biggest impact on your experience. Even outside of school, continue to find people that are great individuals/role models. I am very grateful I had the ability to be surrounded by admirable people and continue to be!
The world is vast, there’s a place for everyone and their passions.
What do you miss most about Moody College?
I really miss Texas Creative and the people. The professors are amazing and taught me so many valuable skills beyond advertising. The other students in my cohort are the best and I was so fortunate to work with such creative wizards! From late night work sessions, in-class discussions, to being genuinely great friends - they are the best!!
Can you talk about your career path?
I switched into advertising my sophomore year, I wasn’t sure where/what I wanted to do until I took Intro into Creative Advertising. Immediately I knew this was something I wanted to be apart of, I had always loved creating, observing and admiring art. Ro’s class was something I had never taken in college before, he allowed for everyone to interpret and express their own individuality. I applied to Texas Creative and was fortunate enough to be accepted into the program, where I really channeled what type of creative I wanted to be! I drank bottles of hot sauce with various “interesting” combinations, made Furby’s a toy of horror fans, and got to smash a lot of stuff with a baseball bat (IN THE NAME OF ART). Luckily enough the VMLY&R Wendy’s team thought that was pretty cool (or were terrified) and that’s how I ended up here! I plan to stick around with the team and grow under some of the most talented peeps I know!
What classes/professors helped the most?
Overall Texas Creative helped me out the most. Sean, Ro and all the Google Slides comments from other students pushed me to be a better creative. I found my creative voice - a relatively funny, sarcastic art director. The time my professors and everyone spent on the program does not go unseen and I am so proud I was able to be a part of it. I created a lot of amazing memories at Moody, majority of those are with Texas Creative.
IG/Twitter handle/LinkedIn: IG:@Sararyyan Linkedin: Sara Ryan