Pooja Ghadiali

Pooja Ghadiali

Graduate Affiliate, CEMI

MBA Student, McCombs School of Business

Pooja Ghadiali grew up in Mumbai, India where she did I.T. engineering. She was elected marketing head of her college's cultural club and realized how much she enjoyed learning about different businesses. This motivated her to pursue her Master's in Information Systems where she learned to drive business by using technology. After graduating, she worked with Deloitte across many industries, learning to work cross-functionally. During her time at Deloitte, she designed a product for the family business and enjoyed seeing the impact of her product. This inspired her to switch to leading her family manufacturing business full-time. Having developed and launched over 80 products, she realized that, while she loved the product management and marketing parts of her role, she missed using cutting-edge technology to drive business. This is why she chose to do her MBA. Being a complete 90s kid, she has seen the impact of media, communication and technology in the world and plans to use it as a force to drive business. She currently uses it to share short stories she writes on her Instagram page–SnugStory. Post-MBA, she plans to pivot to product management in the media and entertainment industry.

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