Signage Overview
Digital Signage in Moody College is a prime opportunity to promote events and resources to the Moody College community including students, faculty, staff and visitors. Moody College allows postings by official Moody College or central UT Austin entities, including Moody College sponsored student organizations.
Types of Signage and Uses
There are two types of Digital Signage: the horizontal monitors across all our buildings as well as the free-standing vertical kiosks.
- Monitors are used for promoting Moody College events or programs, and sharing resources and opportunities appropriate for the Moody College community.
- The vertical kiosks are used for promoting Moody College events within Moody College buildings or events either hosted by or featuring Moody College members in other venues.
- Some monitors throughout the college are managed by units within the college including Departments, Schools and certain Centers (depending on location).
- Monitors on floors housing departments and schools may choose to manage all content if they wish. If not, these monitors will be managed by MarCom and post college-wide material.
- A CIP or unit may be given permission to manage a monitor and post their own content if the location is primarily dedicated to that CIP or unit (such as the current Blank Center location) and the monitor is not in a highly trafficked area (such as outside an elevator) that serves other units on that floor or proximal area.
*All monitor and kiosk devices are managed by Tech Services. If you see an issue with a device, contact them here*
Horizontal Monitors
On the horizontal monitors, we promote events, announcements, and general messaging relevant to the Moody College community. The content on the majority of the monitors is managed by the Moody College MarCom team and is either content created by them or submitted to them for approval and posting. Guidelines for content submitted to MarCom include:
- Each graphic will be posted for two calendar weeks
- If your announcement should be promoted for longer, you may send additional graphics and we will set them up in two-week flights with a required a one-week break between flights
- Each unit may have up to three graphics rotating at a time
- Submit graphics by emailing
- Graphics must fit file requirements
- Size: 1920 x 1080 px
- Billboard Style: approximately 10 words per slide
- Limit use of QR codes as they can be difficult to scan
- Moody College or UT branding
- File no larger than 2MB
Graphics must be submitted at least one week before requested post date to ensure slides are live on time.
Vertical Kiosks
On the kiosks, we promote Moody College events exclusively. The kiosks are placed around the Moody College buildings and are stationary.
- Graphics are posted for one calendar week
- Each event may only have one graphic rotating at once
- Graphics must be submitted at least one week before post date
- Submit graphics by emailing
- Graphics MUST fit file requirements (list below)
- Image formats: JPG
- Image must be flattened
- Max 24 bit Color
- Size: 1080 x 1920 px
- Moody College or UT branding
- File no larger than 2MB
Creating Graphics
- Artwork can be made using templates created by MarCom
- If you would like to request a graphic to be made by MarCom, please submit a request at least 2 weeks before the post date
- Submit requests to