Terrian Spurs
Communication & Leadership, Communication & Leadership
Class of 2022
How are you using the skills that you learned at Moody in your current position?
In my current role, I’m constantly writing so those skills are always in use! I’m also communicating through the stories I put out, so I have to understand my audience and also have good news judgment on what they would be interested in reading about. In addition to the, constant relationship building and networking.
How was your CLD degree helpful to your career?
My CLD degree allowed me to take a multitude of different courses and really cater it towards my interests, which were work in the digital environment and being able to connect with people. In my current career, I’m doing just that through writing online articles, keeping up with what people are talking about on social media, and having the chance to work on stories where I can meet people and learn more about the work they’re doing!
Were you in any student organizations?
Yes! I was a social media manager for a year before becoming Co-Managing Editor of BlackPrint and also a member of Front N Center
What have you learned so far from working as a content creator?
I’ve learned that there’s a lot that goes into creating content. There’s a process that goes into making sure you’re putting out the your best work and ensuring it’s something you’re proud of!
Try everything! Dip your toe into different waters to see what really interests you and then learn more about it. Take as many chances to really experience all Moody has to offer!
Can you talk about your career path?
I always say I never expected I would end up in the career I’m in right now but I’m very grateful for it! I took a chance applying for the Emma Bowen Foundation Fellows program which partners minority students with jobs at media companies. I applied one year and got rejected, haha, but I tried again the year after and was lucky enough to be partnered with FOX 7 in Austin as a Digital Content Intern and that kind of led me to where I am now. I became really into writing and creating content, so I essentially never looked back. I interned with FOX 26 in Houston the following year after I graduated and then received a full-time offer!
What advice do you have for #TEXASMoody students?
Try everything! Dip your toe into different waters to see what really interests you and then learn more about it. Take as many chances to really experience all Moody has to offer!
What do you miss most about Moody College?
This may sound very CLD of me but I miss the people! Moody has such a welcoming environment and the professors were always there to support you and ensure your success, plus there were always free snacks in the Advising Office!
What classes/professors helped the most?
Dr. Drumwright’s CLD Seminar Class! I think the final project in her class is what really opened my eyes to what I wanted to get out of my major and time at UT, but it also helped me look differently at how I go through life.
Do you have a favorite project you worked on at your job?
There’s a few but the most recent would have to be when I went out and shot an interview with a local bake shop owner for Pride month, and that was really fun because I shot the whole thing myself then with the help of one of my coworkers we put it together to go up online.