Request to Teach a Course Outside of Home Department/Specialized Courses
Thank you for serving our University community's outstanding students by requesting to teach a course outside of your primary Moody College department!
You must receive permission from your department chair/director and from the Moody College Dean's Office if you wish to teach a course that is outside of your home department, a course offered as study abroad in any form, or will necessitate special department arrangements.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Moody College Honors Program
- Plan II Honors
- Bridging Disciplines Program
- Undergraduate Studies Signature Course
- Education Abroad, even if it is offered by a Moody College department
The deadlines for proposals vary by program. Please request permission from your chair/director and the Dean's Office before submitting your proposal to the outside department or program.
Your chair/director will review this form and determine if the department's resources can support your request. If so, the request will then be reviewed by Associate Dean Alvarado who will consider it in the context of the Moody College's undergraduate teaching goals and continuity of curriculum.
Click here to access the form.
You will be asked to input the name and email address of your Moody College department chair/director. For easy reference you may copy/paste them from below:
Advertising and Public Relations
Natalie Tindall
Communication Studies
Craig Scott
Communication and Leadership
Cassandre Alvarado
David Ryfe
Cindy McCreery
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Rajinder Koul
If you have any problems with the form, please contact: Andreyez Alvarado at