In October, students and faculty were overjoyed to see the opening of Woffie’s Coffee Shop on the third floor lobby of Communication Building A, or CMA. A gift from long-time Moody supporter Wofford Denius, of the Cain Foundation, the shop gives the Moody community a space to enjoy food and beverages while listening to music from KUTX in the background.

Moody students see transformations to the Jesse H. Jones Communication Complex and Walter Cronkite Plaza

This year, Moody College will unveil a complete remodel of Walter Cronkite Plaza, the physical hub bridging the CMA, CMB and William Randolph Hearst Student Media Building. Moody donors Leah and Richard Davis made a generous gift to create what will be known as Aaron Lincoln Davis Square. It will bring beauty and vitality to the plaza with an added pergola, shade structures and grass turf for students to study and congregate.

Part of the Jesse H. Jones Communication Complex, Communication Building B, or CMB, got a complete revamp last year with new spaces for the Arthur M. Blank Center for Stuttering Education and Research, the Center for Media Engagement and the Center for Health Communication. The building has bright and colorful décor, state-of-the-art technology and labs, meetings spaces and therapy rooms.