Christian Meola

Headshot, Shoulders Up, Dark Blue Shirt, Green Background

CEMI Affiliate

MFA Student, Radio-Television-Film

Christian Meola is a writer and director from Albany, New York. He graduated from Florida State University in 2016 and lived in Los Angeles for six years before enrolling in the University of Texas at Austin’s MFA Film production program. Christian works in a variety of mediums, ranging from narrative to video art and theater. He's particularly interested in how individuals form their identities based on larger societal constructs. Recently, he’s been exploring the relationship between between straight and gay men, as well as how masculinity and a need for vulnerability influence male behavior. He’s interested in meeting other UT students with an interest in researching and creatively exploring these topics. His work has been screened at Indie Memphis, Oak Cliff Film Festival, Sidewalk Film Festival, Adirondack Film Festival, Buried Alive, Sick 'n' Wrong, Sydney Underground, Electric Forest Music Festival, and on PBS, NoBudge, and Beyond the Short. In 2020, he won Sick n' Wrong's "You're Special" award.

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