Digital Engagement

Photo of a laptop featuring Dr. Skyller Walkes giving a virtual presentation via Zoom
Digital Engagement


In today’s age, most of us are connected digitally, often through multiple devices simultaneously -- be it our laptops, phones or digital monitors throughout the Moody complex. Engaging, targeted content can be delivered to audiences through these digital channels.

Illustration of a black woman eating a thanksgiving meal in front of a laptop with the words "from #Texas Moody" on the screen

Social Media

Moody College uses social media to reinforce connections, showcase thought leadership and demonstrate what makes Moody College distinct through original digital content such as videos, photos and graphics.
Screenshot of the November 2020 Moody Message newsletter

Email and Newsletters

Email is an important channel to communicate with our audiences, however, it can easily be overused. Moody College uses two email systems to communicate with key audiences. Electronic newsletters provide an opportunity to share more detailed messages or stories in one channel. Moody College of Communication has two primary newsletters.
Screenshot of Moody Kiosk Templates

Digital Monitors and Kiosks

Moody College Digital Monitors and Kiosks (when we are back in the Moody College buildings). Digital Signage is primarily viewed by passersby; like billboards, copy should be 10 words or less with a clear call to action.
Screenshot of the Moody Landing page video featuring Belo building and the words "converging worlds, creating futures"


Websites often serve as the primary source of information for prospective and current students, faculty and staff and should clearly and visually communicate your brand value and purpose. It also offers the opportunity to highlight key information, promote events or make announcements.