Simultaneous or Double Majors

If you discover that you have an interest in several fields, you may wish to simultaneously major in order to seek two degrees. To accomplish this, you must be accepted to both programs and complete all of the degree requirements for both majors. For example, if you want to get a degree in Advertising as well as German, you would have to satisfy all the major requirements for both departments AND complete the requirements for both the Moody College of Communication and the College of Liberal Arts. To apply for a second major in another college, you must first complete thirty semester hours of coursework in residence at the University. Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more information. You may also explore major requirements for other majors by using the Interactive Degree Audit.

Current Moody students may request to add a second major within the Moody College of Communication through the process outlined on the Major Change webpage. If you decide to pursue two degrees within Moody, be sure to visit with the academic advisor in your 2nd Moody major once you've declared it. With their help you can verify the number of hours you will need to graduate and learn more about the requirements as they apply to your degree plans. Note: You cannot double major in Advertising and Public Relations, nor in Communication Studies and Communication and Leadership.